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What is an NFT? Well it is a "Non Fungible Token" or in simpler terms an original digital copy certified through any number of blockchains.


On this page you can see what I am working on, collecting, and future projects I would like to take on.

I'm an artist with a unique pen style. My background is in the graphic arts. Other talents are in photography, graphic design and 3D.

Currently I am in the process of selling older pieces to raise money to buy equipment to better document my journey. My goal is around $2k but I will be smart with what is raised.


I would like to purchase another camera and a scanner. If I can not product high quality scans then you will not be able to collect high quality art.


Thank You if you have already purchase an NFT from me and if not Thank You for looking at my work.

All rights reserve 2024©. No unauthorized reproduction permitted without permission.

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